2011 Global Compact Implementation Survey
(Source Global Compact) In November 2011, all companies participating in the Global Compact were invited to take the anonymous, online survey – available in English, Chinese, French and Spanish – which was conducted in collaboration with The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania
1,325 companies from over 100 countries responded to the 2011 Global Compact Implementation Survey – making it the among the largest annual studies conducted on implementation of corporate responsibility policies and practices by business globally
With a response rate of over 20%, the 2011 survey is generally representative of the Global Compact participant base, especially in terms of region and year that the company joined the initiative. The composition of survey respondents
on key demographic variables – including company size, region and join year – has been consistent since launching the survey in 2007
While SMEs represent the largest subset of survey respondents by company size (40%), they are underrepresented in
comparison to their overall share in the Global Compact participant base (54%) Roughly 20% of individuals who completed the survey identified their role as chief executive or member of the Board and 35% from the sustainability/corporate responsibility department
Read the full report: